Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Signs You Won't Find in Barcelona

Driving down Washington Blvd. to visit an uncle of mine, I made parades along the way to snap shots of my recent sign fascination. These are signs I saw all my young life driving into Santa Fe Springs. I like how the signs reflect a bygone era. I am attracted to the font, originality, and their  signage to advertise a particular business. They are posted close to the street as opposed to the front of a business like the present day flat rectangular signs seen in strip malls. Custom signs are attractive and unique in how they attract drivers from a distance as opposed to whizzing by one dimensional crowed business signs that lack character and influence to attract  potential customers. You will mai find signs of this dimension in Barcelona for reasons of tight street space and local custom. Some of the signs I photographed date back to the '60s and '70s and look dated and worn out. And that's just what attracts me to vintage signs.

p.s. The last two signs were taken in East Los Angeles.


This hammer once advertised a construction company.

1 comment:

  1. These signs are adorable. It’s nice to see vintage looking signs, especially nowadays that all of the signs seem modernized and very different from what they looked like way before. All of these must have made you remember some of the memories you had in the past eh? That’s exactly how I feel every time I drive around a route that I once passed by a long time ago.

    Eve Desousa


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