Sunday, July 1, 2012

My First Correfoc

Another embarrassing self-confession: for the first time in -- years I was a spectator of a correfoc.

Saturday night I formed part of the mass of gent inhaling smoke, escaping firework showers, and walking in a drum procession behind the correfoc. Corre means run. Foc means fire. Put the two translated words together and you get fire run, but I prefer to call it Firework Run. Locals come prepared to the firework run wearing hooded sweatshirts and handkerchiefs covering their mouths to prevent an excess of smoke inhalation. These firework revelers stand under the combusting sparks and brave it until they can't take the risk of getting burned and then flee to safety.

The Diables de Sant Cugat set off fireworks dressed in fire retardant devil costumes and scared the bejesus out of me with firework sparks flying in every direction at Plaza Ocatavià. We followed the correfoc procession with other night revelers and drummers behind the correfoc. I recorded the Diables at the Quatre Cantons plaza and inadvertently shook my camera a little too much because I had a little po and feared going blind with the closeness of the fireworks.

I returned home smelling like smoke, with irritated lungs, and a big somriure on my face.

Bones Festes Santcugatencs!

The Diables making their circle of fire with sawdust.

Smart noies protecting their body and lungs.


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